Sunday, June 3, 2012

30 weeks...and church!

I got new shoes (Michael Antonio for $25 on's Memorial Day blowout sale...booyah!) So of course they had to have their main debut! And they were very well accepted I might add! But more importantly I suppose...this is my 30 week physique! One little boy in primary said, "Woah! You are gonna have 2 babies?" yikes! but of course I smiled and told him I was pretty sure it was just one. He asked, "what are you gonna do when you have twins?" I told him he could have one since he seemed so imterested in 'them' he finished by saying he thought I should probably keep them both.

Last week my little sister's friend asked me when I was due and said, "You aren't due til August?! You look REALLY pregnant!" Why, thank you lovely skinny girl, I AM really pregnant! LOL It's always quite fun to hear everyone's opinions. I don't get offended like I did with Freddie's pregnancy cus I really was abnormally huge with him! I am just gonna rock this tummy like it's the new black! And I will do so wearing amazing shoes because they still fit unlike most items in my wardrobe ;)


  1. I believe the words they were looking for was hot mamma! Because you're freaking cute prego person...and I love those shoes!!

    1. That's suppose to say "a freaking cute prego person", I apologize for for dropping my articles!

  2. I hope I look that good in 20 more weeks, Mama! Seriously, you are the cutest thing I've ever seen.
